Sunday, 10 July 2016

Payback time, Orochimaru...chan!?

orochinaruko orochi63naruto orochi63naruto2

After seeing this on rule34...

Welp. I blame my drunk-self for this weird idea.

Thanks to Voidy for Naruko's render.


  1. Well I can't blame the Drunk part but seeing Orochimaru like that is kinda terrifying but if you edit female Orochimaru with Sakura together that will be Hilarious to me(some of you don't but still)

    1. But just the Yuri Version that's all lol

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2016

    This is actually really great. You should do a series of Rule 63 for all the male villains of Naruto.

  3. This is a place where editors can post their versions of what they would like a certain image to be. in this case he had inspiration from a picture and made his own version of it. I think it's great and love to see different kinds of edits as you guys might know. Though voidy made that particular render but i'm happy you thought it was my work haha. good job ward.

  4. You should do one with FemHaku.

  5. i always thought female zetsu would be better, theme-wise

    great job with the gender swap though 😁

  6. Thanks for the comments guys :)

    Well... yeah, I wanted to try a different thing, I haven't seen much of "genderbend" edits per say.

    @Peter - That's actually a great idea, I'll see what I can do about that.

    @Eron - "NO HATE TOWARDS CHARACTERS". I felt free to post this edits here, some people might like it, some don't. I can't please everyone. And thanks!

    @William Baez - Now that you mention it, sounds great.

    @Voidy - Thank you :)

    1. It'd be awesome, FemHaku gets no love :(
      She could use some love from Naruto ;)

  7. Pretty funny image. But at the same time very hot.

  8. I find Orochi/Naruko quite hot for some strange reason :D


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