Monday, 4 July 2016


Hello Everyone, i am Dfg/Lyle roommate/friend. His real name is Lyle, and last night when he was coming home from college at around 4pm, he met in an accident, and is in hospital, he has not woken up yet and i'm not sure if he's okay. He has a few broken bones and some minor tears in his arm.

If you need anything his email is and you can email it, i think its okay if i respond. Im not sure if i'm posting this right but i will keep you guys updated in your chat and here's a edit that he worked on.

ino yamanaka naruto sex narutopixxx edit


  1. hi, thanks for coming over and posting. he hasn't woken up yet? really hope it's not as bad as it sounds.

    we look forward to hearing progress on his recovery, thanks man.

  2. Thanks for the post and for the mail.
    I replied to it and I wish him well! please let him know from all of erojarvis.

  3. Hope you get well man, good luck. Hope you're alright.

  4. Damn, I hope he'll pull through.

    Please give us an update of his state on the following days

  5. Oh damn, stay strong mate, wishing a very speedy recovery to my friend

  6. AnonymousJuly 04, 2016

    Good luck DFG, hope you get back up on your feet.

  7. Thanks for letting us know of his situation and please keep us updated. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

  8. Thanks for the info. I hope for a speedy recovery. We are with you DFG.


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