Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Archive restored.

At last I have finished loading. Damn, it's been a long time.

Let me know if you have questions.


  1. Hey whats with the june 2016 folders from ft-pixxx, op-pixxx, bleach-pixxx & naruto-pixxx, can you update it?

    1. The update will be carried out later.

    2. Still nothing happened and its nearly 2 months pasted

    3. Dude... you don't get it at all. It's not a mandatory given that you will get anything. People here do shit because they feel like it. We don't owe anyone anything. If something doesn't show up/happen. That's tough luck for you or anyone else. be happy with what you get and don't ask, complain or sit on things that don't happen. Peace out ungrateful guest ;)

    4. @Eron chill, you have no right to talk with her like that

  2. Undecrypted files, what is this? There are in folder (Old) Unsorted and others folders.

    1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2016

      I'd like to know this too.

    2. Thanks for the tip. this is a serious problem. For some reason, the program missed the 3000 files (Or if they undeciphered, even I can not see them.). I tried to restart, but. I'm going to contact the technical support.

  3. AnonymousJuly 23, 2016

    I noticed that in some of the original Naruto Pixxx folders, some of the pictures only have the line-art. Do you not have the completed versions, or did you accidentally skip them?

    1. Not sure. But it seems they were painted editors. They should be in the archive, but ... Specify the name of the specific file, I see.

    2. AnonymousJuly 26, 2016

      My bad, I assumed that they were missing because I remembered seeing them color and there was only line art, but it turns out there are no colored versions on Naruto Pixxx, so I must have been remembering them as colored by editors.

  4. Sorry for the long answer. I was busy.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Whats the 'no key' files?

  7. Hello DbatRT! I noticed there is no folder for Neeba, and I really would like the coloured version of both pics of Erza giving the horse a blowjob, and the cum version. Thank you!

    1. Yes, I can add a folder, only with the permission Neeba.

      As for Erza, you can find her in the archive. In this path: Data\Edits\Eron & Jarvis & Si-chan & DFG & Spettro & Kappa & Maniac & Raykus & DbatRT & Ward & Dichareous\DbatRT\Bestiality

    2. Hello DbatRT! I checked out that folder, however, I couldn't find the pics where Erza was giving a horse a blowjob. I am pretty sure I saw that picture once, in that same series, in 420chan. If you would, could you ask Neeba to share that picture with me, please? Thank you.

  8. How much longer till the archive is updated?

  9. Not to be a bother even tho I'll sound like one, but we are waiting for the archive to be updated! I noticed the 420chan folder is a few months out of date with all the edits! Other than that thank you for everything!! We appreciate it DbatRT

    1. For some reason, I can not engage in the archive. You can get a copy of the stored 420chan here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByKua3c4zY0iS1RsZDZxZU0tdEU?usp=sharing

  10. Whats wrong with the cyberunique folder? Pictures are in the folders but it doesnt load and pls update october folders from pixxx

  11. Hi, DbatRT! Did you end up getting rid of the Original Pixxx and Cyberunique folders? I'm having a hell of a time trying to find them to redownload (both of my hard drives failed on me a few weeks ago, so without your archive there's no way I'll be able to get the files back in a nice, organized manner). Any assistance would be much appreciated!

    Also, honestly, I can do without all of the site archives if I can at least get a hold of the BleachPixxx archive.

    1. I have some problems with it. I will try to solve the problem later. In fact, I did not organize these files. You can find them here: http://pornolab.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1982334

      From Lupin III there are multiple torrents you are interested in the materials.

    2. Oh, wow! Thanks, I had no idea there was another source for this. Most of the ones I've seen have been incomplete, haha. I'll see if I can find the archives there. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I really appreciate it!


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