Eron Files


Eron Files #1:

These files will be a summary of my accumulated "skill" on Photoshop and how to Edit NarutoPixxx(Rex's Style).
I say "skill" because I really don't consider it a skill or claim to be good at it, I obtained all my traits through youtube videos and or tutorials on deviantart.
I was already familiar with the tools through my studies in college.

Before this will make any sense you will obviously need Photoshop and a basic understanding about the program.
Things like "Layers, jpg-jpeg, PNG, Pen-tool, selection tools" are already comfortable to you.
Specially your knowledge of layers will help you greatly, not just for this but with every project you make in photoshop.

You will learn:
How I store/create backgrounds.
Resize them.
How to alter them.

How to store/create Naruto backgrounds.
1: The easy way.
I mostly used screenshot/caps.
1a: Where to get them?
Googling for "Naruto/Naruto Shippudden Screenshots/Screencaps" will give you a list of sites that have either images and/or zips of juicy naruto screencaps. The one at the top will most likely be and it's my most used site regarding naruto backgrounds.
Collect the ones you want/need and go to step 2.
1b: Screencapping on your own.
You can always download/load up your own Naruto episodes(preferably in 720p-1080p). Fullscreen it and screenshot-pause-copy paste in photoshop.
 Now you have the images you want but they are most likely not the right size/quality to edit with.
How do we fix this? Waifu2x is your answer. or
One of these also supports PNG(can't remember which one).
What it does? It basically enlarges pictures and applies noice reduction. The exact science behind it goes beyond what I know but personally I am amazed because you can't simply stretch out pixels and make it look good. anyways the thing we need to know is that it works(and it works perfectly).
Load up your image and put settings on : ARTWORK - NOISE REDUCTION ON LOW/MEDIUM - UPSCALLING 2X (HIGHEST).
Convert it and save the image.
Now you have a higher quality/scale image. Ready for use in photoshop.
Protip : You can also apply lighting effects to make them fit your desired style. (shows roughly what levels-curves do in photoshop).

How to remove/change backgrounds:
1: The tools I use to achieve this will be "Stamp tool" "Smudge tool".
this video explains how to remove something in the background and I applied it just like this many times.
Maybe you will have a screenshot that looks perfect but there is still that one character in it you need to get rid of.
than use this video to teach you how to remove that character/object.
Remember that everything can be learned through tutorials on youtube, don't search for R-rated content but everyday uses.
Don't search : "How to add pubic hair in photoshop" but " How to create hair/hair effect/ anime hair/ in photoshop"
yes this seems too stupid to point out but it's a mistake I have seen before.

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