Sunday, 31 May 2015

Post #200

Lee Edit Kushina310515 Lee Edit Tenten310515

Winry Edit
Post number 200.
Winry Edit - head voidy.
Also added lee to a previous edit.

Kayle The Judicator

Colored version up! I'm sorry if the background and wings didn't come out that well. 
I hope you guys will still find it acceptable at least. xD
Enjoy, I hope! xD

Cum Test #2

Hey guys I would like some feedback if possible.
Be honest, don't worry it will only help me :)
1. is it any good? 
2. What can be improved / Like the quantity is it good?
3. Does it even matter ? 
Is it adding to the image or is it not necessary?
It's my own style and I tried doing it on different ways but in the end
this is and will be the result. 
Thanks in Advance.

Update (May)

Naruko300515 Tayuya290515
We've got a new look with a new season approaching.
We still are open and want to welcome new editors or 
seasoned veteran editors aswell ofcourse.
Personal : 
I started reading Naruto Gaiden, it kinda re-ignited my
Naruto flame (since the fillers killed it for me).
So hope to edit more new material (if rex provides).
Also last day of the Month so expecting alot of make up work from rex 

Friday, 29 May 2015

Fu Edit


Thursday, 28 May 2015



Wednesday, 27 May 2015


hinata x naruto

Farewell everyone!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Kayle The Judicator Line Art

( Updated )


Hello again guys! 
As you might have all seen my last work was an original piece of a character belonging to League Of Legends and seeing as how I really had a lot of fun doing that I decided to use my spare time to pull off another one. 
This time featuring Kayle The Judicator.
So this time we got a real angel showing us the ropes on how how it's done xD
For those who don't know the characater her's a helpfull link for you to get to know her better :
Also, before anyone points it out, the wings are just a cropped pair that I took from an image simply because it's very late at night right now when I'm uploading this and do not have the time to do proper wings.
However I decided to crop a pair and fit them in there temporarely just so you guys can have a better view of how the piece might look once I add proper wings in her splash art's style.
I just really wanted to share this new line art with you guys. xD
I hope you like this new LOL girl coming into the fray on this blog and hopefully next time I post up on the blog it'll be alongside the colored version. 
Untill than I hope enjoy it as it is xD
( I might update this once I do her wings too )
Anyway enjoy guys. 
Have a good day / night. 

( Updated: Done her wings too. Enjoy. )

Shizune Edits

6 Bolt Shizune1203152
Okay so I redid her breast first(since I already made this edit before)
than some experimenting.

Sub Edits (test)

4 5
So I wanted to resize them to my screen and after that I decided to add text(why not right).

Saturday, 23 May 2015


Tsunade Aoba230515
Did this one before sleeping but I am honestly not satisfied.
Still decided to upload it.
anyways will make better ones tomorrow.

New (bad)

For some people it is good news but anyway :) For me my edit life will be in break/end for very long time (5 -7 month) and perhaps i won`t be able to do any edit anymore. This is my farewell to all of  you after making edits for 2-3 years. I will be around but won`t do any. Well that`s it :)

News (happy)

Happy news ( no not the insanely amusing character from fairy tail)

So first of all, Jarvis (claps) thank you and good job.
Not everyone has the talent or dedication to make quality art,
but you can and tbh it's really good. So big thumbs up and 
it would be fun and amazing to see how you will grow :)

2nd : Expect some edits from me within 24 hours.
I have some freetime and I cleared my agenda to take some rest and 
I am inspired to make some edits but first some sleep haha.
anyways that's it for now. 

Friday, 22 May 2015

Sarada + Raikage Edit

raikageinoedit Sarada210515
Today's edits. 
Hope you guys enjoy.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Kurotsuchi and Hanabi

Katarina Du Couteau

Well here it is everyone...the colored version. Been quite an adventure trying to get this done in my bits of free time I managed to get but I hope it isn't too bad and of course that you guys will enjoy it. In any case it felt really good to work on this peace. 
I just hope you'll come to enjoy it as much as I did working on it, 
In any case...Enjoy! :D

Kurenai Edit + Si-chan Re-edit

kurenai mei x zetsu

The kurenai edit is pretty straight forward.
and the Zetsu edit is a appreciation/homage to Si-chans edit.
at the time there wasn't that much zetsu pixxx or source material available 
so decided to upgrade it a bit with the new material.
thanks for the lovely edits si-chan.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Iruka Edit + Extra Naruko

Iruka Sarada190515 Naruko2180515
Made another Naruko one and decided to do a male edit aswell.
Guess Rex will do the usual last minute monthly pixxx drop soon.
I will add my edits to 420chan with a delay,
to give the daily blog viewers advantage and some needed
attention. So keep checking the blog.

Monday, 18 May 2015


Hey guys, still busy with work (average 10 hours a day atm)
I try to re-energize in my time off,
But I am still interested and passionate about this pixxx stuff.
So I just had to edit this :)
It's not my best but im tired so haha.
good enough for me though.
Have a nice week guys, see ya soon.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Ameno Edit

Ameno May Edit
Not my best and not that satisfied with the outcome tbh.

Katarina Line Art
Just a minor update so to speak to let you guys know I'm still around.  However I'll have to apologize for the long period of time with  no edits but life's been keeping me quite busy and I'm afraid it'll be so for a bit more until I manage to settle things out.
Meanwhile, I managed in my bits and pieces here of free time to try my hand again at doing something original and as such I managed to finish a small piece of line art featuring Katarina Du Couteau from the popular League Of Legends game.
 Although it's obviously not a Bleach Edit I'd love to hear your thoughts on it and if you'd like to see it colored anytime soon. xD
Also let me know if you'd like to see more originals as I am vastly more interested nowadays in stepping into the original works department. xD
Have a great day guys and hope you like this piece of line art as crude as it is until I'll get around to color it. xD

Kushina and Hinata

kushina x minato hinata x minato hinata x naruto

Saturday, 2 May 2015

125K hit Edit

Moegi Choji020515
Still busy with work but I thought I had to atleast do this.