Saturday, 28 January 2017

Ino and Sarada


ino and sarada in stockings, taking on naruto clones

Friday, 27 January 2017

The Tease of Kibitou High

Hikari Tsuneki from "Seiren".

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Hinata and Fu


hinata and fu spread wide and leaking

Voidy September 2016 Archive

sep2016 archive voidy
september 2016 archive cover

zip archive of my august 2016 stuff.
get it here (25.4 MB zip file): (mega) (sendspace)

Wednesday, 25 January 2017



Finally back, glad things turned around.

More edits later.

Erza and Kaguya

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Hanabi and Kaguya


Happy 2017!

hanabi and kaguya to start off the new year with a bang

Sunday, 22 January 2017


Miyamoto Musashi from "Fate/Grand Order".

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Blog information

We don't do requests anymore (I don't have to explain why.)
Old posts that are not available anymore are down due to : flagging by users(removed due to haters/trolls or due to old age. Meaning we will not reupload. It's not viable to keep up and I don't want to waste time because people take my shit down.
Get it while you can and if not go request it on 420chan, it's the only way.
It's the most prominent reason anyways why it's being taken down, so go whine there.

Chat- Comments-
Any ill intended comment or chat that is hating- childish- ungrateful etc. will be removed.
If it goes too far and I judge it as such, I will IP ban. you can message/chat/comment again with other ip's but I will do it again and again. It takes a few clicks anyways.

Why am I putting in effort into even explaining such harsh and hostile ground rules? because that's exactly what has happend  to everything related to edits and pixxx sites. The overall community is toxic and just need their fix. We don't do this for money, our efforts and time is being given for free.
It didn't get the respect so now, it's all "dead".

Consider the source.

Thanks and understand that it's not the end, it's changed due to the hostile environment.
Consider good editors and edits like endangered species. Trolls have been hunting them down for years literally, ive been apart and witnessed it.

I hope it's not the end of an era and that someday it will be turned around.


Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Pinups Here :!55li1ZpB!wZDe8o6hTLI0xCAn5Jop4g

Made these sometime ago.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Exorcist of the Lightning Spear

Clarus Tonitrus from "Soushin Shoujo Matoi".

Monday, 9 January 2017

Mistral Nereis

Mistral Nereis from "Shining Hearts"

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Walkure in the Wild

Celia Kumani Entory from "Walkure Romanze"

Ayame & Hinata

zhZIi.png z9QLr.png

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Hinata & Konan

z9gyR.png zCEni.png

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Tayuya & Temari

zGtBa.png zGFPw.png

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Kaguya & Ryuzetsu

zCHU1.png zGn8S.png