
Sunday, 10 July 2016

A Character Survey?

build your own harem! you can only choose one naruto girl from each group, for four partners to cater to your every need.

this is a mini-survey i'm testing out so we can do the polls for the milestone series we're planning out.

this survey is sent to google forms, so you need to be logged in to save your answers. no account names are collected doing this, and you can view the results too.

times included in a harem allow 5 minutes for updates

ah fug it, login detection doesn't work right.
anyway, you need to be logged in to google to save your answers 😜

Take your Pick!

    This is a required question
    This is a required question
    This is a required question
    This is a required question
view results

hope this works. well if it doesn't i've got something else to try, or maybe one of those free poll makers


  1. you can also change your answers (if you want). just hit submit, and on the "already responded" page just click Edit your response

  2. Hey Voidy, just asking, can someone ruin the poll with like a votebot or whatever? Last time Eron tried a poll someone riddled it with fake votes.

    1. only one vote per account will count, and google handles everything in this case.

      so no botting - you're gonna have to do it the old fashioned way, by hand and with a ton of throw-away accounts 😆

    2. Alright, just making sure! Didn't want a repeat of last time lol

  3. AnonymousJuly 11, 2016

    I grouped them so that the characters were all somehow related to each other as opposed to being a random assortment. Mito is Tsunade's grandmother, who is Sakura's teacher, who is Sarada's mother.

  4. Tsunade/Mei are equal.

  5. this is nice dude :D how about add a MILF category? :D

  6. this is a test run so i just threw whatever in..

    now milfs, that's a serious decision. we've got to have a right and proper referendum for that, with a survey all its own

  7. the Princess Temptress tsunade

  8. i agree. Your survey's good, even if it's just a test run :D
