Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Voidy May 2016 Archive

may2016 archive
may 2016 archive cover - rear povs!

zip archive of my may 2016 stuff.
get it here (36.5 MB zip file): (mega) (sendspace)

Monday, 30 May 2016

Ino and Mirai


ino yamanaka and mirai sarutobi

Himawari & Karui

HimawariTeaser.th.jpg KaruiMayLast.th.jpg

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Requests: Sarada and Tsunade


sarada and tsunade, as requested from the request section

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Kaguya and Tsunade


kaguya ootsutsuki and tsunade getting anal

Friday, 27 May 2016

Hinata, Mikoto and Rin


cum edits with hinata, mikoto and rin

Thursday, 26 May 2016


Background9_large-min.th.jpg Background102016.th.jpg

Left : Background of 2015
Right : Background of 2016.

Suna Kunoichi: Ameno and Matsuri


edits featuring ameno and matsuri

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Yamanaka Ino

Yamanaka Ino Edit 2.jpg
Ino Edit

Monday, 23 May 2016

Konan & Sakura

KonanMay.th.jpg sakurapublic.th.jpg Sakurapublic2.th.jpg

Konan - Normal Edit
Sakura - test background.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Sarada x Boruto and Ino


requested male edit to boruto, and ino

Friday, 20 May 2016

Pack 1 - DFGMaster

InoYamanakaEdit1.jpg TayuyaEdit1.jpg

Sadly i can't get my account back, unless i move back to my old country, which is across the world.

Here is my album, where you can find my future edits



Thursday, 19 May 2016

New and Old Ino Yamanaka


new ino edit, and an old edit of an ino series that i didn't get to finish

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Requests: Rin and Sarada


just random edits from the requests section for rin nohara and sarada

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Mirajane #2


Didn't have much time so I rushed it.
Hope it's okay.

Recolor: Sakura and Konan


recolor: sakura and konan, with a minor edit for naruto

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Random Edits: Hanare, Tenten and Rin


random set of edits: hanare, tenten and rin

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Recolored: Kaguya, Tenten, Rin, Hinata and Pakura



recolor edits of the new kaguya pinup
along with older recolors of tenten, rin, hinata, and iwa kunoichi (pakura?)

edited to remove/reduce lighting effects and restore the usual colors

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Erza #2

ErzaScarletgangbang.th.jpg erzascarletgangbang2.th.jpg

Monday, 9 May 2016

Mikoto and Sakura


mikoto and sakura

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Mirajane Strauss



Friday, 6 May 2016

Gangbang For Orihime


Hello everyone!!!
Figured I'd do an edit this time around. Hope you guys like it :D 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Cana Alberona #1

A fast edit of CowboyTanaka´s(lexus) new pic.

PS(Photoshop File) : Here
A Photoshopfile for those that want to get a closer look at my edits,
Please tell me if it was any help to you.

The State of things.

So I browsed and searched around for some answers and this is my POV of what´s going on:

HKey is pretty much dead, why?

1. Lexus and Aidan and Rex all left Hkey for Whentai.
Lexus = Cowboy Tanaka
Aidan = Yatot
Rex is still Rex.

Personally I think it's the right thing to do for them, HK never protected their assets and they neglected both customers and artists desires and values. 
Imo, they should have done Patreon but not if they aren't active enough for it.
but still it's a good move for them.

We (editors) love their work, we acknowledge the art and yes we do use it to make our own versions of it but only because it's good damn art. The advertisement they get from 420 or our blogs isn't small and I think any smart person would be happy with it.

So I think it's not the end of it all, actually I hope it will make everything better and more productive.

Rex posted this on Whentai today :
I am now accepting commissions no description follow...
1-Price will depend and I charge per character nude, clothed, half naked etc.. 2 background simple and detailed .. 3-payment how it works.. client pay 50% then I send a sketch, he pays the other 50% and I send the image 100% finished. (This is how I work and it is not negotiable. I had some issues about not getting paid). 5. I may post or not post the image on this site depends on cliet. 5- those are my rules and won't change if you are interested contact me if not then please try another artist. Have a nice day.

I wish them all the best and hope they get credited this time.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Bleach(Boobs) and Naruko

Chizurubiggerboobs.th.jpg NarukoInojin.th.jpg RukiaBiggerboobs.th.jpg
Rukia Original version at :