Thursday, 31 March 2016

Sorry (BIg Time)

Im very sorry to all you guys, its not been good this year, and i understand(Eron) if you want to kick me out, ill only be ready April 15th when i move back to my home country and start college again, but that's too long. My connection is very poor upload speeds are 0.01. as soon as i upload a picture my connection cuts off, mainly because i live in a small town of 1000 ish people and isp's dont give a damn. I have many edits done but its too bad to upload them. If anybody needs edits done email me, ill probably upload them on 420chan and ill get them done after April 15th. Sorry Once again.
I had to use my mobile connection to upload this.


Voidy March 2016 Archive

mar2016 archive
march 2016 archive cover

zip archive of my march 2016 stuff.
get it here (72.7 MB zip file): (mega) (sendspace)

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

End of March

It's been a great month and we uploaded some amazing edits with little new material to work with.
Unfortunatly we also have a number of authors that aren't producing anything for over months.
So if I don't see any activity comming from those, we will need to let them go and will be recruiting for new talent when that process will be started.
There are definetly some good editors out there that aren't being respected.

On another note, I have been sick for a couple of days and it's been messing up my work load.
I am still looking for new ways to use all these images that we have.
Maybe edit it into a story of somekind, maybe more normal edits, maybe something else..
Not really sure yet which to do but I will be putting some new uploads up very soon.

Thanks for a great month!!
And very usefull feedback.

Honoka, Kurenai, Yoshino, Himawari


just random edit updates - honoka, kurenai, yoshino and himawari

Monday, 28 March 2016

Shadow–Neck Binding Technique


oddly enough, the original piece was titled
"No Need To Use Shadow Jutsu On Me"..

tayuya and kin tsuchi

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Original Art: Winry Rockbell


just for something different, an old original art -
Winry Rockbell of Fullmetal Alchemist, playing with her tools

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Hanabi and Sarada


hanabi and sarada + templates

Friday, 25 March 2016

Next Gen Kunoichi


himawari, mirai and sarada

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Mabui, Fu and Matsuri


mabui, fu and matsuri

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Naruto Goes Milf Hunting


naruto goes and helps himself to some hot mom ass

mikoto, kushina and kurenai

Monday, 21 March 2016

Sakura, Fu and Shizuka


sakura, fu and shizuka

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Original Art: Emi


Emi (エミ, Emi) is a young woman from the Land of Fire...

...On a trip to Shukuba Town to visit her friends, she falls prey to one of Itachi Uchiha's genjutsu. (wiki)

my take on emi's perspective while under itachi's spell.
i was trying to give her a bit of a helpless, hypnotized expression;
i'd like to think i got halfway there :P

Friday, 18 March 2016

Eron March#2


Tsunade, Hinata and Shizune


tsunade, hinata and shizune

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Eron March #1

AEn0k_ulEbUG7arTPZbBMcrB0XwdL4rfMRKg4AH1YafKKsEIj6MhiePnklHa-BPspIz65o-kqYblh4QhypJk9Pg32PiWNIMxvR4jbAiiotoukSytfITC=s0-d AEn0k_s1OsxA5Nt6djuY7kcjV6TBg_zL3amum-eKG-K-4Ipiovoh2y9uPjDFnRFFczY6VEB2DTmTzjUu4H3_LtPnc0sHkNVX_7bEs2rqX8f4j1plNA=s0-d
AEn0k_trtOZtzQl0y61TAYC-KxAsDz6o9KAd9CfJOXehlYJfHaK7gwpQ4VE3_IuqrbrCvB4Gz0CacbZTbaT7wX78c4vJAcFJqJGdpXSRX1dKxsOTVA=s0-d AEn0k_vfoh-8r4cctgwoSKSOKAc_kPZ6TGXTUgWxOc7pJH07QJAc9LFBHxRDvi0iGLYNey8QyEXhVfaY60s1iWYgrcAd1QZYjZiTeWUVJu4fTsijSGLgQOuj=s0-d
AEn0k_s8v5PU0Mr65xgh69I59VMOjzFAdTyEj__iFX9Sp8M6z20O2l-_thsXKD-DOej1KxkccxddMgyWiA452X0aZXdvjYFqs1iCIJMfyTMjl1vY8lPwOw=s0-d AEn0k_t3PaQw6pHJ7ABvPCUWGrhBnOvDz_14IiQcpUuUVlonpdkbCGrLwYtJ3P_uD4qHGTLC9FDKvdBmOaH1SDOl0ha3Zi-syOpuwZCRWW4imIgGbhMad-g=s0-d

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Requests: Karui, Ino and Matsuri


editor's block? can't think of something? well i guess i'll do some requests!
karui, ino and matsuri ideas courtesy of some of our readers

Monday, 14 March 2016

Hana and Tsume

AEn0k_uyOVIQGpBlmGxpwNa4vZmW611xElGlNJfsAorgnUMTldIf1t1JWuzfg-xFH0rLBSh2QDcXuol1-y4BqbvsPhsnAYFkWPOw8n71S1RT_GMhmxo=s0-d AEn0k_t67N1b2ZvqlGDrEdCdHtlCx0dyQa6I-x2FflkV2FtAhGE8ssZcU--D54OMYOPsn3ZWhU4ULLC1Dn0sk6VA9c2aMB3v5T4xFKjPZ3O3VjVlTHdgOnLD5yJchQ=s0-d
Hana edit
The Tsume one is by Bt.tsume I just edited the breasts.

Konoha's CamStar

Idea and template : Ebido (artist)

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Male edit : Mifune

AEn0k_sfP8nMqNOIF8uaqfxnD2vMwepKGZmWafTYF_0J7yQvOavfShZorvH-NKXWoCbkI6vEob2M94rDuiXblVk7csMskrHiIClTUCHBZHQS2OzvboHzyg=s0-d AEn0k_sK4ZEdx8iLH_JLC4bkQO9y91zOYc1w1e6NcdLO4rEfMXVLw6jTxyblLjs1U3euzRK7CxOF-mrGxH3qEYhS6_d8IkiAft8dQOqPMI9nl3jEEIU=s0-d
AEn0k_vmBZ6Ks4TKMgDyqMSvLtuxl5Uacjd94rANJ0AazRogD1pgBm7SuihbeHGpYT8G4PQM3s019lJUVo-J8GUxrQt7bnnux4mXkFP-iOG-dgz4uH1YvA=s0-d AEn0k_tqUypwkhtIEzOhH8COzbLxp3PkitBpgqfgf9YcGL3TbZfCYc2foZBHMv_eN6aIdTsbwscBf2cAgn00CXDq6-YvaAEgfNcvPSosVkTRK_Cb-Q=s0-d
Also edited facial expression on Ino.