
Sunday, 17 January 2016

"Support Role"

Hello everyone! 
Long time no posts! :D
Hope you are all doing well and although this might be a little bit late:
Happy New Year!
I have to say I missed this blog quite a bit and I feel rather sad I couldn't contribute to it more for some time now.
Hopefully I can be forgiven for that :) One can only hope :D
In the meantime I would like to add my first contribution for the blog in 2016 and hopefully mark a return for me to doing more art and edits as I used to. xD
I miss it quite a lot. xD
Untill next time, I hope, as always, you enjoy this piece.
Have a great year guys.  :D


  1. Man, this looks amazing Jarvis! Glad to see your work again!

  2. Ah the prodigy returns! welcome back buddy. great stuff. always love the League art.

  3. JAAAARVIIS! Welcome back man! I miss so much your arts and edits! Thanks for coming back and sharing this amazing art! I already said and I will say again, you're the best of League of Legends arts! I hope you finish your old line arts too XD

  4. looks amazing Jarvis!

    I always wanted to get into drawing/coloring myself but never knew how to get started xD

    could you give me some advice? a small list/turoial on which tools you use and draw/color would be very helpful ^^

    1. I could try. xD E-mail me whenever you can and feel free to ask. I'll try to answer as est I can. xD

  5. this piece is awesome!

    hope you do more league art when you've got time

  6. Thank you everyone. It does feel good to contribute again, although in a small part as of now, to the blog. I really missed doing some art and edits. Hopefully I get on doing a lot more soon. For now I really appreciate your support. Thank you. xD

  7. I do not know this universe. But the scene looks great. I like the looks of this woman and her passion. Very good work.
