Sunday, 31 January 2016

Voidy January 2016 Archive

January 2016 archive cover

zip archive of my january 2016 stuff.
get it here (59.9 MB zip file): (mega) (sendspace)

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Bleach Edits: Yuzu and Hinamori

bedit10 yuzu
yuzu and parents
bedit9 hinamori
hinamori x kurosaki isshin

bleach edits, for a change: yuzu and hinamori

Friday, 29 January 2016

Friday's Upload #1


First EFU upload.
Kushina Edit.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Quick Edits: Ino and Amaru

rext198 ino
rext199 amaru
amaru x roshi

quick edits with ino and amaru

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Friday Upload Schedule


Starting this Friday I will be uploading atleast one edit/upload every friday.
Hopefully this will be a useful deadline to keep me motivated.

Extra information:
There has been more activity on the blog and that's great and we are all for it.
Including some users/viewers that are new to our concept.
So let's once again get some rules out there to keep things the opposite from 420chan.

Please don't put requests in the chat! on top of that : not every editor actually appreciates requests,
this means that the editor will reach out and contact or find a way for the users to put their requests.

It's nice to hear certain comments about work whether it's feedback or a thanks.
though certain comments will be removed and if it happends more than once, the user can be blocked.

Any comment containing character discrimination.
Simply Requesting (if it's not on a request post) without thanks.

Keep things classy and clean.
We all respect the effort editors/artists put into free-art.

Quick Edits: Sakura, Ino and Tayuya

rext196 sakura-ino-bed
sakura x ino (removed holiday theme)
rext196 tayuya
tayuya x hidan

all i could fit in half an hour:

sakura + ino without the holiday costumes, and tayuya.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Animation: Guren Loop

a first attempt at animation: guren and naruto.

probably looks better fullscreen (gfycat)

Monday, 25 January 2016

Tayuya and Ino

rext185 tayuya
rext152 ino1

tayuya blowjob and ino with gag versions.

click more for variations

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Quick Edits: Sakura and Hanabi

rext195 sakura
sakura x omoi
rext185 hanabi

just a couple of quick edits; sakura and hanabi

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Before and After: Ayame, Sarada

beforeafter ayame
beforeafter sarada
sarada (schoolgirl)

before and after: ayame and schoolgirl sarada.

note: pics are laaarge.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Ryuzetsu and Mabui

rext180 ryuzetsu
ryuzetsu x naruto
rext194 mabui
mabui x orochimaru

both dark-skinned, check. both white haired, check. both hot, check. both kinda dead, check.. well nothing edo tensei can't fix.

update: click more for mabui versions

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Everyone Gets Sage Mode: Mei and Kaguya


sage mode mei terumi and kaguya

Sunday, 17 January 2016

"Support Role"

Hello everyone! 
Long time no posts! :D
Hope you are all doing well and although this might be a little bit late:
Happy New Year!
I have to say I missed this blog quite a bit and I feel rather sad I couldn't contribute to it more for some time now.
Hopefully I can be forgiven for that :) One can only hope :D
In the meantime I would like to add my first contribution for the blog in 2016 and hopefully mark a return for me to doing more art and edits as I used to. xD
I miss it quite a lot. xD
Untill next time, I hope, as always, you enjoy this piece.
Have a great year guys.  :D

Everyone Gets Sage Mode: Kushina and Tsunade


like, they're just giving it away or something. kushina and tsunade

Before and After: Kushina, Rin

beforeafter kushina
kushina x jiraiya
beforeafter rin
rin (holiday theme)

before and after, edits where i actually added clothing. crazy, i know.

note: pics are twice as large as usual.

update: click more for single images + variations

Friday, 15 January 2016

Quick Edits: Shizune and Sari


quick and easy, shizune and sari :P

update: click more for variations

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Last-minute Holidays: Suki, Ino and Konan


more last-minute holiday themed edits -
with suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender, ino and konan

update: click more for variations

Alternate Versions

AEn0k_tfTXZgC5FtKict0EpwuoF5hBwBz6XEvDJ2qxSF3Ar5yB_946MZGf9XEzgF7mOwC0j-88RTsnnWn2mb-uQwvKPDcqxUQuDxpG8N6Y1jphUsSpsm=s0-d AEn0k_uyudWJNrbG17TniOCua0SdQ4E_LqbyoU0obsiAonzpCAgZT1fCgPb-m9tuRE4dmGkvlXB0RFquLSyzSqS4jTYY-xuds4HyLQwyHYPGvcwcX68qOIo=s0-d
AEn0k_vZDeUrrrYeq8MVAlzrsmpJ3s5IqzzhospMeJIJqwUYKV3sA4eAenRAa7StBj_ePuP-xis9YQYMK0wnR8EJO0nFLxPqo9wSh_2g8Ucw2665f9ypnLCjvGVocw=s0-d AEn0k_vkM_25FtUi4VhhrPxqTbSCT-GITNiQkBUaJzxo6IdtqznYQ8S0XGqUl247z1wbG32g3-v4jK-rWfrQQ97CEX9IliOaDa6iXx2GZfCAfghaEnV_vmcXjUjzWtA82Bc=s0-d
Temari : Pregnant/Ahegao
Choji: Partial Expansion Jutsu

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Still in Holiday Mood: Mei, Sakura and Hinata


some late holiday-themed mei, sakura and hinata

update: click more for variations

Trying Something New


Started drawing hair, hopefully it aint bad.

Monday, 11 January 2016

January's Tsunade

AEn0k_uz0l9sgLK7ThWB-KfVCK3Wu3hnM05rM6yNLHP2TsCtH01xuiUpb-ndeJ70hkxoTVEdmEmBYVDq9eA1GZ4eYqyddrIL9ClFX_s-lktcyOyPPXzv-Oft9Uymfg=s0-d AEn0k_uUtKSpi9WJpT6fT7M7SQNl31Hnm3F7XguWqlEvH42tBfZEwV6rqLxALZX1ZzqGq2jaDB2iWBY9g0ulr0_ykrBf_OvLRjZ9EQOVH46_mGGjb9yUvTkw4SOUsho=s0-d
A normal edit and another experiment, 
just wanted to see if I could turn them inverted.

Bleach Pixxx Pack 1

ichigo rukia bleach pixxx editnozomi


Make sure when you click on the image, and it brings you to the post image site with the image you scroll to the bottom and click full size.

Just bought a surface pro 4 about 2 weeks ago, finishing up some images and starting to draw line art.

Follow me on twitter and i'll follow you back so we can talk to each other and you can request images much easier.


Sunday, 10 January 2016

Voidy Nov-Dec 2015 Archive

novdec2015 archive
nov-dec 2015 archive cover

zip archive of my november and december 2015 stuff.
get it here (34.4MB zip file): (mega) (sendspace)

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Kaguya and Zetsu Sealed Away


kaguya otsutsuki and zetsu sealed away in the new moon.
read more to see 3 other variations.