
Wednesday, 30 December 2015

More Senju's!

Tsunade BDSM1 Tsunade BDSM1pregnant Tsunade BDSM1 Pregnant Caption
Forcing Hokage Tsunade to further the lineage of the Senju.

Let me know what you think: too unique? is it going too far? 


  1. These look great, Eron! I love the idea of this lol

  2. Great idea! Slap, bandage. All done at the highest level.

    But. I do not like the distorted lines. "The effect of Ladders." I do not know what algorithm you compress images. I am looking for something on the softer. Or smooth.

    By the way, why do you scale the image to the resolution of your monitor? Yes, you said that you are so comfortable. Although I still do not understand.

    What are the difficulties?
