Saturday, 21 November 2015

Konan - Underneath The Robe

 A recent painting. LineArt by Neeba.

You can find more options here:!toAEyRSA!_-m0Bl7mRBkPmAXvxpugcw


Name: [Color] Konan - Underneath The Robe  

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Hinata Blindfolded & Naruto Clone Training

Hinata Blindfolded Naruto Clone Training

Friday, 13 November 2015

Himawari Edit

Normal Edit - Zetsu Edit

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Tan&Cum: Shizune/Anko

5fb20249tan 1442552716574cum

Sunday, 8 November 2015

New Lineart!

Guys, here a series of new lineart from different series.
As usual, hope you like it :)

Fremi - Rokka no yuusha

Alisa - God eater

Shura - Ao no exorcist (nude version and jeans version)

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Tsunade: Cum&Ahegao

1441060372172cum 1441060372172cumahegao
I plan on using and making this my style of cum edits.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Tan&Cum : Tsunade (original cum)

1441139254995tan 1441139254995tanhearts
Normally the hearts are taped onto the character(in most art)
But ofcourse once the tape is removed it could leave a tanline/heart.

Tan & Cum: Tenten

1436952713580cum 1436952713580cumtan


I will use these methods and create a series of "Tan & Cum" edits.
Look forward to more of these kinds of versions.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Ino (TanLine Version) & Cum Kushina and Sakura

Still trying to improve it.
Feedback is always welcomed.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Naruko Moegi Special training
Still testing out some new methods or styles
but so far to be honest haven´t found a good repeatable or easy to use
So im still experimenting, in the mean time I will post my tests on the blog.