
Friday, 7 August 2015

Fox - Mei

Fox MeiFox Mei Effect2
Fox Mei pt 2 FoxFox Mei pt 2 Fox Cum
Fox Mei pt 2 CumFox Mei SourceFox Mei pt 2 Source
My first post. Rex really create stunning images with Mei.
I do not know why. But she reminds me a fox. And I thought, why not?
I added a butt plug tail. Ears. And a mustache.
Do not ask how she moves the tail. I dont know. But most likely with help chakras.

In my opinion, a fox outfit suited her. What do you think?

Sorry for bad English.


  1. Looking good well done :)

  2. Dark KnightAugust 07, 2015

    Very nice!

  3. I think that you adding the fox tail and ears made this one the best version.
