
Saturday, 1 August 2015

Ahegao & Naruko

Naruko Itachi AugustNaruko Itachi August2Naruko Itachi August3 saradaahegao1saradaahegao2saradaahegao3
So some wanted a bit more naruko and I guess im the only one doing those so here you go.
Also Not everyone wants or likes the ahegao style or edits,
but I will still do my own thing ;)

I had some more free time recently but that's over now,
so I will be less active because of work etc.
try to upload/make edits whenever I can.
 Have a nice day!!


  1. YES! YES! This is awesome! Man, you are always bringing something different and great! I love it! Thank you so much!

    Oh, one thing, I remember one day you posted a image here that was Tsunade with some cum in his boobs, you used that image to show your progress on cum edits, but I never saw you doing again some cum edits, or at least I don't remember.
    So, you plan to do one of this kind of edits in the future or it's just not your style or too much complex?

    And again, great work with these ahegao edits, will be great to see more.

  2. Excellent ahegao change! I like the option of Naruko. Sarada also looks great.

  3. Dark KnightAugust 02, 2015

    Excellent work Eron. Especially liked the couple Sarada Naruto, Sasuke and Sarada.

    1. Dark KnightAugust 02, 2015

      Pardon me! I wanted to write Boruto. O_O

  4. Thanks guys :) !
