
Sunday, 28 June 2015

Future Idea/Concept


Sometimes I just want to create something unique or different.
That's how the subs started but now more editors are doing it.
Kinda looking for new angles or fun projects.
These Ero-Cards could be something? 
My question is: Is it something? xD 


  1. Let's make a Card Game out of it :D I don't mind. Alway sliked to invent games. xD

  2. Personally, I would love to see you guys do edits of the lesser done characters ex: filler, movie, or girls like Hana.

  3. Believe me. Your comics and subtitles are unique. You create them with the soul. So please do not stop there.

    Heh playing cards sounds interesting.

  4. I've always enjoyed your text edits more-so than anyone else's. BT Tsume is about the only other editor who does them, and they tend to stick with one general idea in each of them. You have a lot more variety in yours and at least try to capture the actual genuine reaction in each character. Personally, I think just because a couple other editors might be doing something you are, doesn't mean you should stop.

    1. AnonymousJune 29, 2015

      I didn't say I would stop doing them ;)
      but it also needs a good picture to support certain subtitles. The comics or mini manga like edits take alot of time and that was something I didn't have. Subs will always be around.

  5. Well, like William Anderton said, your text edits are really amazing, turns the scene more interesting and why not more hot.

    But, like you said, you are looking for something new, I don't have any great idea, maybe one poster (a large picture) of each/some characters that shows their "special sex skills". For example, a large solo nude image of a character with a small/medium pictures around the poster that show the "special skills", can be like this image you post, for example.

    I know, it's a crazy idea, but I don't have any other right now XD

  6. AnonymousJune 29, 2015

    Yeah I will do more texts soon, just need to have the right pixxx and inspiration. I just made 3 edits xD but my lappy crashed. but I will make more in a few hours or so.
