Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Naruko June #2

Naruko Guy300615 Yamato Naruko300515

Subtitle Pack #1

1 7

15 16
The ones with Sarada and kushina were old tests but Decided to upload them.
The other two are new ones.
Le'ts start counting from here on.
Hope you guys enjoy.

Last day of June (sakura)

Stat info : Temari June has been the most watched Post this Month.
What was your favorite post this month?

Monday, 29 June 2015


12 13


Ramlethal Valentine

For now I just got to do her in the wanted pose and add a few features. There'll be more in the colored version such as the cape and swords maybe but as of now just wanted to post it as is to let everyone get an idea of how it'll be. 
Also this is to reassure I'm still up and running just at a slower pace until I finish college for good ina bout two weeks or so.
Untill than, as always, I hope you guys like this line art. 
Oh and another thing. I will be doing Yadon's request of Athena Cykes and that I will follow with colloring both. 
That's to keep it fair to everyone. xD
Have a good day everyone and hope you like the line art. xD

Naruto Edit

Naruto Edit290615
Did more edits but laptop crashed...

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Future Idea/Concept


Sometimes I just want to create something unique or different.
That's how the subs started but now more editors are doing it.
Kinda looking for new angles or fun projects.
These Ero-Cards could be something? 
My question is: Is it something? xD 


Naruko270615 Naruko Camv1 Naruko Camv2

Here is the planned naruko edit.

I'll use this post to also voice my thoughts.
Basically I am back to a more active state and I won't be 
uploading my edits to 420. 
Otherwise this blog would be meaningless ;) 
So if you want my latest and recent works, you will have to come here.
Also is there any interest for a post or page where I talk a bit more about myself?
and the edits ?
Just curious.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Mabui up against the wall


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Konan against the wall


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Temari June


Monday, 22 June 2015

Eron Icons Vol.2 (Promo)

Promotion PNG
I am working on New Folder Icons
Little by little I will add to it.
Once it's done I will post it in all it's glory.
This is just a promo to see the style.
(reason : Rex update his artwork and I am not entirely happy with the current icons.)

Nickname + Samui Edit

Hey fellas,
Hope you guys enjoy this edit.
Changed my nick to Eron.
it's a shorter more mature nick.
one that I hope will stick :)
have a nice week.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Hey guys, you probably saw the error signs all over the blog this week.
Don't worry (for now), it happend due to the former blog being on a breach of Terms of Service.
It doesn't say wich one so I don't know the details but it will be deleted in 20 days.
I am assuming it's only the erogenin.blogspot (the old one).
But if something happends you can safely say that blogger put it down.
anyways so far so good.
as for posts yeah im actually very busy with work(over 400 hours in 2 months)
soon it will be vacation time though.

Sorry for the annoying errors.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The shark returns

Kisame Sarada

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Subtitle Pack

8 9

For the ones that like some added flavour.

Quick Edit (not much time)

Hey I did a quick edit. I don't have much time on hand atm.
have been working overtime for 4 days and more to come.
So I just did this one as fast as I could.
ooh and jarvis! amazing work bro. talent much ;)

Friday, 5 June 2015

Spider-Gwen Colored

And here it is.
 Spider-Gwen in full color. I actually am extremely proud how this one ended up but as ussual it's not just up to me to decide on how good it is since I might be biased too. xD
But in any case I enjoyed this one the most out all done so far and I really hope you guys enjoy this one too. xD
Have a good day all. :D
( Note: Criticism is fine and welcomed .. I need the imput on improving anyway. xD) 
( Note: Cleaned it up a bit by removing patches of color left from the layer coloring process. )

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Naughty Youth

Just a quick edit I managed to pull off of Masaki in her teen years.
Seems she was a very busy girl back in her youth.
Hope you guys like it. xD

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Spider-Gwen Line Art


Ok guys here is Spider-Gwen. I tried to mix the anime style with her western design as best as possible so as to make it seem anime enough while still maintaining her overall look.
Hope I managed to do that right. So any input would be awesome.
And, as always, I hope you enjoy this line art until I get around coloring it. 
Again, enjoy and y'all have a good day, xD

( Note: Fixed a few bits that seemed wrong to me. Also added a masked version too. Hope you guys like it now. xD )

June's Starting Post

Naruko310515 Naruto ME010615
A request from 420chan and another Naruko Edit.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Mabui Edit

Mabui June2015Mabui June Guy2015

Blog Background

Blog Background
So this is the final look of the blog for this season.
Hope it feels fresh to you guys.
Also added the actual background just incase some of you want to see it.
Also little backstage information : 
The actual size of the images used on the blog can't go over 300kb.
meaning I have to seriously decompress the image I do that by 
saving it different and then using decompression program.
So the actual quality is a bit lower than what we all would like.