
Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Katarina Line Art
Just a minor update so to speak to let you guys know I'm still around.  However I'll have to apologize for the long period of time with  no edits but life's been keeping me quite busy and I'm afraid it'll be so for a bit more until I manage to settle things out.
Meanwhile, I managed in my bits and pieces here of free time to try my hand again at doing something original and as such I managed to finish a small piece of line art featuring Katarina Du Couteau from the popular League Of Legends game.
 Although it's obviously not a Bleach Edit I'd love to hear your thoughts on it and if you'd like to see it colored anytime soon. xD
Also let me know if you'd like to see more originals as I am vastly more interested nowadays in stepping into the original works department. xD
Have a great day guys and hope you like this piece of line art as crude as it is until I'll get around to color it. xD


  1. Its looking well. But i think her waist is little big and her shanks are little small . Good job.

  2. AnonymousMay 05, 2015

    Great piece and honestly talent compared to the many mediocre artists. Very curious to see how you are with colors though and imo the waist isn't that big the monochrome in this angle just makes it look a little big. Good stuff and im a fan of LoL so I would enjoy a good original art of it.

  3. Looks great. I think branching out and doing characters from other series is a great idea.

  4. Thank you. I was worried her face might not resemble Katarina that much but I guess it's fine as is. I might tweak it a bit when I get time to do so. Still I appreciate the positive feedback. xD

  5. Holy mother! This is awesome amazing! Please, do more original work, you really have the talent! Also, your art style reminds me the Lexus style.
    You will do only League of Legends characters or will be overall?

    Anyway man, seriously, this line art is really amazing. Can't wait to see the color version :D

    1. Well it might be due to the fact that I been editing mostly Lexus' artwork and I had to learn how to draw body parts, hair etc. in my edits that would resemble his style so as to not make it look off. But for the most part it was easy for me because we do seem to have a close resemblance in style.
      As for this piece I admit the reason behind doing it was that I wanted to do something in Photoshop like another edit but I was fresh out of a loss in a LOL match because of Katarina snowballing as she tends to do so I wanted to get back at her so I guess this is the result. Pretty much why her expression is not so confident. xD
      And no I wasn't planning to do strictly LOL originals but I do like the female cast there so I might do a few more after this one if I'd have the time. xD
      To be honest though I do feel the next character I would love to do is Kururu Sumeragi from Air Gear. Honestly I find her the hottest female character in the anime/manga media. xD
      But if you guys want more LOL characters I can do that. xD

    2. Good decision about Kururu Sumeragi, she's really hot.
      I have a question about how you do your linearts and how you create, I mean, what you use to do that? Just mouse or a wacom tablet? And for base, what you use? I'm asking this because I love to draw, but I can only make drawings in the traditional style, with pencil and eraser. Also I can't fully create the scene, I always use a image for a base (from a real image or from other anime), for some body parts base and some clothes. Of course, I'm not good with this, but I'm improving with time, so I guess someday I will do some decent works (or not XD).

    3. I use the mouse q.q It's why it takes so long for me to do these things. Mouse and pencil tool for the win. xD And yeah sometimes I'd draw traditionally on paper, pencil and eraser and than scan it and use that as basis to draw like tracing it while adjusting small bits I couldn't do by traditional means without ruining it all xD
      But I don't have my printer with that fuction here so I have to ussually start from scratch and use different pictures as references. For example Katarina's hair in the splash art is pretty epic drawn so I can't use that much as reference since it's drawn in a western style while I wanted the anime style so I had to google some fanarts of her and in the end used this as a reference:
      If you take a closer look you can tell I sort of used those as reference for the hair and the end result is a mix between the two.
      And same for positions and all. I just google and than find pictures to use as a reference.
      If you want to learn how to draw better I can offer you this link:
      It's the channel I used to watch and learn how to draw better. That video is about drawing a female body manga style. But there are amny videos that are really helpful so i recommend you follow that channel. It certainly helped me improve. xD

    4. Thank you so much man, the videos really helps. Most of the poses I can draw without a problem with a picture for reference, and some poses I already draw too much that I can now draw without any pic as a base (of course not a pro level, but meh, not so bad), I still have problem with complex poses and to draw hands, hands are a nightmare! Also is a little hard to add shadows in clothes, but I guess I will improve in time. Haha.
      Now talking about your original works, I really looking forward, I have some suggestions (not requests, just suggestions), from LoL, I don't play so much, but my favorite character is Lux, I don't know if you like her. Other is Ryougi Shiki, from Kara no Kyoukai, also from Melty Blood game, I never found a single decent hentai of her, so here is my suggestion. The last suggestion is Ramlethal Valentine, from Guilty Gear. Well, just take a look on these characters, see if some gets your attention or if inspires you to do others.
      Anyway, good luck with your works and edits, and again thanks for the info about the drawings
      Sorry for the long comment, I will stop now XD

    5. There is no problem with long comments. I don't mind to chat around with the visitors here on this blog. Fact is I do wish there would be more chit-chat around. xD And yeah I do know Lux and I enjoy having her on my team, not os much when she's on the enemy team due to the fact that most people don't know how to guard against her. xD

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i approve

    you should do something that isn't always bleach or naruto related. people get tired of seeing the same girls.

  8. Very good. The only drawback. This is her hips.
