Wednesday 25 March 2015

Ichigo Edit

Ichigo Cam Mom250315

Normally I wouldn't edit the guy but in some cases I like to do it.
Just like this one.
Also I didn't like the colors on the boot so I changed that aswell.

Question of the Day (Bleach) : 
If you could change someone's haircolor.
which haircolor(+girl) would you change?


  1. Which haircolor I would change? Let's see, both Yoruichi (Bleach) and Karui (Naruto) to a white hair color. I don't know why, but black skin anime girls looks awesome with white hair, in my opinion.

  2. Hair color...

    Hm. I'd make Mei Terumi have more of a red color in her hair, maybe orange.

  3. Good choice with Ichigo. Maybe Samui would look cool with Blue Hair.

  4. Good addition. Yoruichi with white hair? Amazing image. Just the opposite side of Ichigo.


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