Monday, 30 March 2015

Update : Forum

Made and Added a forum.
You can easily PM me there, I am thrilled to get more feedback and create a little community.
In the near future I will improve it more and more aswell as do events and maybe contests for edits etc.

Some things that will definetly happen there :
 - requests
 - All the information (about edits or personal status)
 - Sharing and tutorials.
 - Talk about on topic : naruto /bleach edits or Off topic : everything else pretty much.
 - Anime talk and threads / Hentai aswell.
 - Signatures and Avatars for the fun.

Hope you guys will join us.

Welcome Si-chan!

Hope you'll enjoy your time with us. xD

Also now that I got around posting something might as well apologize guys for the lack of Bleach edits again. I'm trying to finish the ones I'ms still currently working on but College is a pain and just won't leave me enough free time for them. xD However I just want to assure you that I will get them done eventually and well hopefully will get back to a decent flow in providing new content. xD

For Start

Hi everyone again. For the beginning i want to show you guys that i made edits from Melkor Mancin`s pictures .I am not sure all of you following him but he is really great. I hope you like them.

tsunade blowjob hanabi blowjob tsunade x raikage ino x sai hinata x naruto

Tayuya and Tenten chunin bathing

Tayuya Les300315
Here you go.
:) enjoy

New Author : Si-Chan

Hey guys,

we are happy to announce that Si-chan will join the blog.
Enjoy his work and a warm welcome from us.
Erogenin & Jarvis

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Kazekage's girlfriend Temari


Question of the day : 
Your favorite Jutsu is ? 
Personally : Darui's Black Panther Lightning
or laser circus 

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Konohamaru and Fu


Back on the Naruto track :)
though I might be getting sick. 
feeling feverish. 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Recruiting page

Hey guys,

It's been alot of fun to make and edit stuff for you guys.
Some of you put out stuff on the net before and probably had to deal with alot of sh!t.
Just like us, but it's pretty nice to have a place without the hate(also for characters).
No matter how small or Big, it's great to share something pure for the fun of it.

Anyways my point is:
That if any of you are quality or wanting to be quality editors or even original artists.
and you would like a place to start then why not join us?
Take a look at the recruitment page and mail me if you have any adding questions.

Special thanks to : Yadon, DbatRT, Zipper and rest.
We appreciate all the comments and it helps alot to add or improve our work.
Thanks and keep supporting.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Ichigo Edit

Ichigo Cam Mom250315

Normally I wouldn't edit the guy but in some cases I like to do it.
Just like this one.
Also I didn't like the colors on the boot so I changed that aswell.

Question of the Day (Bleach) : 
If you could change someone's haircolor.
which haircolor(+girl) would you change?

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

EG Bleach Edit - Candice Catnipple


:) once again hope the editing is good 
have a nice day.
Question of the Day : 
Favorite Bleach Lady ?? 
Mine : Retsu Unohana

A bleach edit from me


Is it up to standards? 
anyways enjoy.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

QuickEdit : Mei

Mei Ahegao220315

I might do more Quick(ahegao) Edits
Just edited mouth and eyes.

Shizune -I'll impregnate

Shizune220315 Shizune220315v2
Shizune- with alt. eyes (ahegao style)
QotD : Hottest pose ? 
Personally I like a very flexible pose (maybe because of the drawing skill? haha)

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Almighty Victory
So at the moment the Quincy are winning the war. And the only chance our heroes have at winning are Ichigo and company.
But...what if they didn't succeed either? Well...
I think it's safe to assume, for our entertainment, that this is what might happen after Yhwach's triumph as The Almighty ( get the title now eh eh? Ok I know bad jokes are bad ). 
But I hope you'll find this edit far more enjoyable than my poor sense of humour. :D
Have a good day all and I hope you enjoy this What-If edit. :D

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Shizuka's Mentor (mom?)


Head from Voidy's latest works.
I personally like her character design.

Extra Icon Pack


- Himawari
- Hinata's Mom
- Natsu
- Nono
- Sen
- Shizuka's Mom
- Tsume
- Yukata

Anal-bonding for Kushina

kushina140315 kushina140315v2
Kushina edit, I tried something new again adding different expression.
Tell me what you think.

Question of the Day : 
Best Incest couple ? 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Trick Or Treat, Kurosaki-kun ?
Yet another edit I loved doing and never quite felt satisfied, again, because of the skin color I changed to back than. It was acceptable but not quite to my level of appreciation. So now after about a year since this edit was made I decided to do it justice too. So I changed the skin tone again. And this time even I am happy with it to the fullest. xD
Enjoy guys the new improved version.
Also, I'd like to know where can i go trick or treating like that? :D

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Shizune and Bolt

Bolt Shizune120315

Tried to edit like the new artstyle of Rex.
It takes more time to edit this way though.

Bolt Edits #1

Bolt Rin120315 Bolt Tsunade120315

made some very obvious mistakes but I don't have the time to fix them and it's a male edit so probably won't fix it anyways, just wanted some new flavour into the mix.

Questions of the Day (reply in comments) : 
More Bolt ? (Boruto in Japanese) 
And who is the most underrated Male Character?
We all know who is the most overrated male character haha.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Arrancar's Resurrección
Finally got around finishing the promised Nell edit.
Hope you guys enjoy it. :D

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Fubuki's Return


This is her Bio :

Not much pixxx of her ( I got just one) so I wanted to do her for a change.
No story behind it.

Shark Attack ( V2 )
This is the no-tanline version everyone seems to have been requesting for a while.
This version has also been posted in the previous Shark Attack request but I decided to make a separate one too in order for everyone to see it.
Enjoy. :D

Friday, 6 March 2015

Bolt - Tenten


Bolt working part time for Tenten's weapon store.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Sakura is in control.

Sakura and Sasuke go back to the uchiha hideout to inspect and restore it.

Hey, I'm back from my weekly obligations and wanted to quickly get into editing.
Also after alot of tryout tags I decided to use this new one. might change up the colors and gradients now and then but atleast this will be my final tag. (not that it's important)

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Cause Of All Our Trouble
 Sorry guys for the sudden lack of edits recently but I been having some personal matters I had to attend to in these past few days and as such my spare time for doing the edits promised has been greatly decreased.
However, I was lucky enough to get a bit of spare time on my hands...just about enough for another challenging edit...and I am quite pleased with the results. 
And, before you get to remind me, I will tell you now that I haven't forgot of the edits already announced in the Upcoming Edits section. On the contrary I am saving those for when I have enough time on my hands to do them right as I intend.
Until my next post which will definitely feature one of the announced characters I hope you will find this one as njoyable as past ones.
This would be a What-If? the two Zangetsus would've went more in depth about Ichigo's fall in confidence towards himself during his attempt to learn Mugetsu. And of course they would point out at Inoue being a bit of a troublemaker as she's the reason he went on and got trashed so hard in the first place during the post-Aizen defecting Soul Society arcs. 
I guess this is their way of telling Ichigo..."It's only worth it if the hero gets his rightful reward from the princess he saves".
Anyway, sorry for all my blabering.
I hope you enjoy this one. xD

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Feeding the New Generation

Hima Sarada010315

still a bit busy at the moment but I made this one in the free time I had.
Hope you guys enjoy.