Wednesday, 30 December 2015

New Year Hotties

A special treat to my special friends.
Happy new year everyone!

More Senju's!

Tsunade BDSM1 Tsunade BDSM1pregnant Tsunade BDSM1 Pregnant Caption
Forcing Hokage Tsunade to further the lineage of the Senju.

Let me know what you think: too unique? is it going too far? 

A New Year

Eron here,
Soon it'll already be 2016 and as much as I hate it sometimes, time really flies.
I look back at a very busy (work) year with two new jobs in a very short period but soon there will be a chance for me to rest and refuel for the next year.
So I wanted to spend more time on edits and I want to know from you guys what kind of things you would like to see.

1. Caption Edits - normal size pixxx only edit with words and text speech bubbles etc.
2. Story styled Edit - A normal sized pixx with multiple pixxx fused into one that tells a story( does take alot of time)
3. Just normal edits - Headswap female and/or male.
4. Tanlines/Cum edits - adding tan/lines and/or cum to a pixxx.

Comment below and let me know! I will make edits based on the number or interest on the several edit styles.

Thanks for a busy 2015 and keep on creating art!


Friday, 25 December 2015

Holiday Blondes: Ino, Samui and Temari


kurotsuchi rear view with her lilith cosplay

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Uzumaki Series: Kushina, Mito and Karin


some edits with the uzumaki girls
read more for the full size links

Male Edit (for diversity)

Iruka Samuijpg Iruka Tsunade

Maybe i'm a bit rusty but here is a edit I did(also on voidy's edit)
Have a nice day guys.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Rare Girls: Yugito and Tayuya

rext181 yugito
rext182 tayuya

yugito and tayuya (unsealed)

Lets get right to it!

kurenai naruto sex kurenai naruto sex mei terumi naruto sex mei terumi naruto sex

Thanks for the welcome Eron and everyone!!
Mei and Kurenai are waiting for you

Roster Update!

Introducing three new talents to the roster : Kappa , DFG and Maniac
They will be joining us starting today so give them a warm welcome!

Sunday, 20 December 2015

First 3: Moegi, Hanabi and Tsunade


kurotsuchi rear view with her lilith cosplay

Saturday, 19 December 2015


Please welcome the best Editor of pixxx there is:


We all love his work and now it will be present on our blog aswell!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Naruko War Negotiations


Saturday, 21 November 2015

Konan - Underneath The Robe

 A recent painting. LineArt by Neeba.

You can find more options here:!toAEyRSA!_-m0Bl7mRBkPmAXvxpugcw


Name: [Color] Konan - Underneath The Robe  

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Hinata Blindfolded & Naruto Clone Training

Hinata Blindfolded Naruto Clone Training

Friday, 13 November 2015

Himawari Edit

Normal Edit - Zetsu Edit

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Tan&Cum: Shizune/Anko

5fb20249tan 1442552716574cum

Sunday, 8 November 2015

New Lineart!

Guys, here a series of new lineart from different series.
As usual, hope you like it :)

Fremi - Rokka no yuusha

Alisa - God eater

Shura - Ao no exorcist (nude version and jeans version)